Friday, May 4, 2007

PHP Class

I found a great thing in PHP 5, which is the real class concept has already
adopted ( similar to other language like delphi). So that, OOP (Object
Oriented Programming) can be implemented very well.

In general, PHP class has structure like this

class aname() {
//definition of variable, in delphi called property
var ....

//constructor, in delphi would be Create
function __constructor(){
//initial value should be placed here
function a(){
function b(){

Ideally, a class should be has Get and Set method
Get is to retrieve data from a class
Set is to place data into a class


class person() {
var $IdentityNo,

function __construct(){

function GetIdentityNo(){
return $this->$IdentityNo;
function GetName(){
return $this->$Name;

function SetIdentityNo($AIdentityNo){
function SetIdentityNo($AName){


$p=new person; //construc
$p->SetIdentityNo("001"); //Set Identity No
$p->SetName("Paijo"); //Set Name

echo $p->GetIdentityNo(); //print Identity No
echo $p->GetName(); //print Name

that's a simple, right :)

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