Friday, July 6, 2007


How to duplicate/backup data between database both in one server or other server ?
- Make sure that you have mysqladmin and mysqldump
- Do the Following script:
#Create the database on the destination server
mysqladmin -u YourUserDBDest -h YourDestServer --password=YourPasswDBDest create YourDBDest
#The Real Job Goes Here
mysqldump -u YourUserDBSource -h YourSourceServer --password=YourPasswDBsource YourSourceDB| mysql -u YourUserDBDest -h YourDestServer --password=YourPassDBDest YourDBDest

Here is an example (I use EasyPHP 2.0b1 for win) that I bundled in batch file:

cd\Program Files\EasyPHP 2.0b1\mysql\bin\
mysqladmin -u root -h Server2 --password=secret2 create db2
mysqldump -u root -h Server1 --password=secret1 db1 | mysql -u root -h Server2 --password=secret2 db2