Friday, May 11, 2007

Query PHP Class

I have a php class 'Query' that I made for delphi programmer :).
The background of creating this class is to make easier and faster coding
for programmer especially for delphi programmer like me :).
This class is using mysql for the database, that we all knew already that
mysql and php are closer family and together with apache so called 'the
three masketeer' :))

At the past, everytime I made a new php page along with mysql database, I
have to write the same code like the following :
$q=mysql_query("select * from table");
if (mysql_num_rows($q)>0){
$r = mysql_fetch_array ($q);
foreach ($r AS $key=>$val)}

until I thought, how if I have a class like ZQuery or IBQuery in delphi. And
I tried to write a code like the following to overcome that burden :), the
code maybe is perfectless, however it's helpfull especially for me :)
Here is the code:

class YQuery {
Var $ArrRecord;
Var $SQLText;
Var $ArrField;
Var $Dataset;
Var $RecordCount;
Var $RecNo;
Var $FieldByName;
Var $Fields;
Var $FieldCount;
Var $FieldNameIndex;
Var $FieldArr;
Var $dsState;
Var $TableName;
Var $Active;

function Connect(){
$db_username = "root";
$db_hostname = "localhost";
$db_password = "";
$db_name = "your_database_name";
$con = mysql_connect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password);
$db = mysql_select_db($db_name, $con);

function YQuery(){
function Close(){
/* Destroy/Free */

function GetSQLText(){
return $this->SQlText;
function SetSQLText($pSQl_Text){
function Open(){
$this->Dataset= mysql_query($this->SQLText) or die (mysql_error());
$this->FieldCount =mysql_num_fields($this->Dataset);

for ($i=0;$i<$this->FieldCount;$i++) {
$str=$str."&".mysql_field_name($this->Dataset, $i)."=".$i;

/*buang huruf "&" pertama */


/*Isi Array FieldArr[Field Ke-][baris Ke-]*/
while ($this->Fields=mysql_fetch_row($this->Dataset)){
for ($i=0;$i<$this->FieldCount;$i++) {
if ($j>0) {

function GetFieldByName($pName){
return $this->FieldArr[$$pName][$this->RecNo-1];
function SetFieldByName($pName,$Value){

function Next(){
if ($this->RecNo<$this->RecordCount) {
function First(){
if ($this->RecordCount>0) {

function Previous(){
if ($this->RecNo>1) {
function Last(){
if ($this->RecordCount>0) {
function GotoRow($aRow){
if ($Row<=$this->RecordCount-1) {
function Post(){
echo "Possss";
if ($this->dsState=='Insert'){
$str_ins="insert into ".$this->TableName."(";
for ($i=0;$i<$this->FieldCount;$i++) {
$str_field=$str_field.",".mysql_field_name($this->Dataset, $i);

/*buang huruf "," pertama*/

$str_field= $str_field." values(";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->FieldCount; $i++) {
$fnm=mysql_field_name($this->Dataset, $i);
$type =mysql_field_type($this->Dataset, $i);

/*Siapkan Nilai dan format penulisannya*/

/*buang huruf "," pertama*/

echo $sqlstr;
} ;
if ($this->dsState=='Edit'){
$str_upd="update ".$this->TableName." set ";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->FieldCount; $i++) {
$fnm=mysql_field_name($this->Dataset, $i);
$type =mysql_field_type($this->Dataset, $i);

/*Siapkan Nilai,Klausa Where dan format penulisannya*/
if ($nilai=='null'){
$str_whr=$str_whr." and ".$fnm." is ".$nilai;
} else {
$str_whr=$str_whr." and ".$fnm."=".$nilai;

/*buang huruf "," pertama*/

$sqlstr=$str_upd." ".$str_value." where 1=1 ".$str_whr;
} ;
//echo $sqlstr;

/* end Post-------*/

function Delete(){
if ($this->Active!=1) {
echo "Not Open Yet!
$str_del="delete from ".$this->TableName;
for ($i=0; $i < $this->FieldCount; $i++) {
$fnm=mysql_field_name($this->Dataset, $i);
$type =mysql_field_type($this->Dataset, $i);

/*Siapkan Klause Where dan format penulisannya*/
if ($nilai=='null'){
$str_whr=$str_whr." and ".$fnm." is ".$nilai;
} else {
$str_whr=$str_whr." and ".$fnm."=".$nilai;

$sqlstr=$str_del." where 1=1 ".$str_whr;
//echo $sqlstr;

function Edit(){
if ($this->Active!=1) {
echo "Not Open Yet!

function Insert(){
if ($this->Active!=1) {
echo "Not Open Yet!

/* fungsi penyiapan quote jika klausa where tipe datanya string,date,time
function Quoted($str,$data_type) {
switch ($data_type) {
case "string":
if ($str=="") {
return "null";
} else {
return "'".$str."'";
case "time":
if ($str=="") {
return "null";
} else {
return "'".$str."'";
case "date":
if ($str=="") {
return "null";
} else {
return "'".$str."'";
case "int":
if ($str=="") {
return "null";
} else {
return $str;
case "real":
if ($str=="") {
return "null";
} else {
return $str;


and use this following code to test drive :)

//contoh Penggunaan:
$Query=new YQuery; //Create
$Query->SQLText='select * from tbl_menu order by kode'; //Masukkan query
$Query->TableName='menu'; //jangan lupa nama tabelnya berguna waktu
$Query->Open(); //Open Query
$Query->First(); //Ke Baris Pertama

/*Demo Loop*/
for ($i=0;$i<=$Query->RecordCount-1;$i++){
$Query->Next(); //Ke Baris Berikutnya

echo "

echo "

/*Demo Insert Data*/;
/*$Query->Insert(); //Persiapkan Flag Insert;
$Query->SetFieldByName("kode","kode baru"); //isi field kode='kode baru'
$Query->SetFieldByName("nama","nam baru"); //isi field nama='nama baru'

/*Demo Update Data*/;
/*$Query->Last(); //Misal mo edit record Terakhir;
$Query->Edit(); //Persiapkan Flag Update;
$Query->SetFieldByName("kode","kode update"); //isi field kode='kode
$Query->SetFieldByName("nama","nam update"); //isi field nama='nama

/*Demo Delete Data*/
/*$Query->Last(); //Misal mo delete record Terakhir;

$Query->Close(); //Bebaskan Memory;

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

require vs include

php, to combine scripts from several files is by using statements include,
include_once,require and require_once.
So, what's the different between them ?

include vs include_once:
I will describe it by refering to the following example:

suppose we have a file one.php consist of code:
echo "Welcome to the jungle"

and we have a file two.php consist of code:
echo "By Tarzan"

then we like to combine one.php code into two.php
with code like this:

echo "By Tarzan"

the result would be :

Welcome to the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
By Tarzan

if the we change the code like this:
echo "By Tarzan"

the result would be :

Welcome to the jungle
By Tarzan

because 'include_once' would eliminate all of same values and would display
once, while 'include' would display all of them many times depend on how
many times one.php was repeated

require vs require_once:
the same as include vs include_once

include vs require:
viewed from the function of combining code, both of include and require is
the different is when error occure, 'require' would not execute all of the
next codes , while 'include' would execute.

that's all :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

PHP Class

I found a great thing in PHP 5, which is the real class concept has already
adopted ( similar to other language like delphi). So that, OOP (Object
Oriented Programming) can be implemented very well.

In general, PHP class has structure like this

class aname() {
//definition of variable, in delphi called property
var ....

//constructor, in delphi would be Create
function __constructor(){
//initial value should be placed here
function a(){
function b(){

Ideally, a class should be has Get and Set method
Get is to retrieve data from a class
Set is to place data into a class


class person() {
var $IdentityNo,

function __construct(){

function GetIdentityNo(){
return $this->$IdentityNo;
function GetName(){
return $this->$Name;

function SetIdentityNo($AIdentityNo){
function SetIdentityNo($AName){


$p=new person; //construc
$p->SetIdentityNo("001"); //Set Identity No
$p->SetName("Paijo"); //Set Name

echo $p->GetIdentityNo(); //print Identity No
echo $p->GetName(); //print Name

that's a simple, right :)